Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 11

Wow! What a day! We went down to Al Caruth's in Newport, New Hampshire (not New Market). Is is a mad scientist of luthiery, and we learned how to tune plates. Tuning plates is a way to see waves in a top that was developed by violin makers, specifically Carleen Hutchins who lived in Wolfeboro, NH until she died last year. HERE is a link to her wikipedia page. Al worked for her tuning plates and building violins, and has applied this to guitars. He shared his knowledge with us. I have to get the pictures from the day, and then I will make a complete blog post. After we left his shop, around 7:30 or 8, we went to a luthier's shop in Etna. It was an old gentleman who was selling his shop. We took a complete tour of his shop, and looked at all of his tools and specified which would be useful to build guitars (he was a violin builder). After that we went back to the shop briefly to put everything back and sign my time sheet so i can fax it today. So there you have it- I got to the shop at 7:30 and left the shop at 11:30. Yeah, 16 hours! And I thought yesterday was long. Be expecting a more complete post soon.

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