Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 8

Today I spent the first part of the day finishing the shelves. They are fully done now, and made in a way that the top of the shelves can be used as support for a floor or catwalk if the third floor is extended. Shelves seem like they may not be important, but space is money in the tonewood business, and there is always far too little of it. The new system will help Tom handle tonewood more easily so he can devote more time to making guitars, because he is getting back into making instruments. The second part of the day we continued the design of the guitar. We finalized the shape and bracing pattern. Tom has been working with the golden ratio, and we've been incorporating it in the guitar.

Here is how we designed the shape using golden ellipses:

For all of you to compare (Matt in particular) it has a more dropped "shoulder", a less muffintop-esque waist, and a rounder bottom than a Martin OM. It is still fairly similar in shape, and it is not as round as a Gibson. The last part of the day I spent making go-bar clamping. Go-bars are made by having the top and work board on a table and having a hard board above it. You cut long strips of wood that you bend between the glueing surface and the board. It is a little hard to describe, so i will update this post with pictures tomorrow.

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